Visiting the Civil Rights Trail with Discover Atlanta


Sometimes going “home” means visiting the foundation. April 4th marked the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination and more importantly, the date serves as a notice for vigilance. I recently I spent two days exploring some of my favorite parts of the city with deep roots in civil rights. I took time out to visit MLK’s birthplace and home to recharge, reflect and remember that the work isn’t done.

I also made a visit to The Center for Civil & Human Rights, which is hands down one of my favorite museums in Atlanta. When talking about it with friends, I was incredibly surprised to learn that many who live in Atlanta hadn’t been yet. Have you taken a visit?

The majority of the museum takes a deep journey through the Civil Rights era, highlighting many of the untold stories and amplifying heroes, both big & small, who were instrumental to the work done during that time. The most impactful exhibit within the museum is the lunch counter recreation where you become fully immersed into what it felt like to be a part of a sit-in.

Those of you in and near Atlanta, don’t overlook the history in your backyard. The path forward only remains clear if you remember what’s been traveled.

Thank you Discover Atlanta and the Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau (@discoveratlanta) for partnering with me to highlight such an important moment and allowing me to be a part of the city’s efforts to ensure every story is told.

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